‘Čo’ — Benoit Lazaro
French artist Benoit Lazaro just installed his piece ČO in Dúbravica’s landscape, its now permanent home. Made out during his residency during August, the piece explores the uninhibited expression in Slovak language as something ephemeral and intangible and hence the idea to materialize it with something as permanent as cement. The intervention is a playful...
Život v Dúbravici — Text od Jordanny Matlon(ovej)
Jordanna Matlon získala PhD. z odboru Sociológia na Kalifornskej Univerzite v Berkeley a v súčasnosti je výskumníčkou na postdoktorandskej pozícii na Inštitúte pre rozvojové štúdiá v Toulouse. V júni 2012 bola pozvanou rezidentkou v Rezidencii Garáž a tento text je výsledkom jej skúsenosti. Click here for an English version of this text. Jordanna Matlon(ová), ako...
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