Posts tagged "Europe"
Open Call - Letná Rezidencia v Garáži

Open Call – Letná Rezidencia v Garáži

The Garáž Summer Residency call for writers and artists is ready. Deadline is Monday 18th June 2012. Garáž Summer Residency // Open Call PERIFÉRNE CENTRÁ is willing to accept an artist or a small collective (no more than 3 persons) for attend the Garáž Summer Residency on a period of 3 weeks. PERIFÉRNE CENTRÁ is delighted...
Open Call -- Landscape, Revisited

Open Call — Landscape, Revisited

LANDSCAPE, REVISITED Call for Land art residency in Dúbravica September 2012 Curator: Carlos Carmonamedina SHORT PROJECT DESCRIPTION Landscape revisited is a Land-art symposium in the village of Dúbravica (heart of Slovakia) that joins 8  artists from V4 countries during 10 days in June to collaborate together in an open gallery, using ecological-friendly materials and...